2024 Fiat 500E in the US

Yes, the new Fiat 500E will be available in the US. And, to make things more interesting, it will cost less than previous versions. The price is $32,500 and it […]

Cybertruck Delivery Event

Today was the day for the initial deliveries of the Tesla Cybertruck. The event was held at GigaTexas and the MC was Elon Musk. Some of it was hype but […]

Elon Musk Demos FSD 12

Demos as in he is in a car that FSD drives for about 45 minutes. It is about to be released to Tesla employees. The commentary is interesting as he […]

Veemo Is Back

A few years ago there were quite a few “enclosed ebikes” on the market. They seemed to fall into two categories: way too expensive and on their way to bankruptsy. […]