Nimbus 3-Wheel EV

How do I feel about it? If I could get one here in Guatemala I would buy it today. Unfortunately, that is not an option but if you live in the U.S. this might be what you need and can afford.

Let’s see if it is for you. Do you need a vehicle that:

  • Seats only two people — one in front of the other
  • Has a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour
  • Has an in-city range of 150 km
  • Costs under $10,000

If that’s you I think it is a vehicle worth considering. Their web site is worth taking a look at. I have looked at a lot of small 3-wheel EVs and this, to me, looks like the most practical. While it costs more than a motorcycle, it clearly is more comfortable (particularly if you live where it rains a lot) and safer yet it can be driven pretty much anywhere you can take/park a motorcycle.

If your work is delivery don’t let the 150 km range worry you as you can swap batteries giving it effectively infinite daily range.

Don’t take my word for it. See what Tech Crunch has to say.


One thought on “Nimbus 3-Wheel EV

  1. This is to address a question I have been asked. Vehicles such as the Nimbus fall under motorcycle regulations rather than car regulations in most jurisdictions. Those regulations vary from country to country and, in the U.S., from state to state.
    Most places drop the requirement to wear a helmet for enclosed vehicles but not all. So, bottom line, check out the regulations for where you live.

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