Munro on 2024 Vehicles

If you know who Sandy Munro is you know he understands the auto industry and manufacturing. This Munro Live video is a one-hour interview with Sandy. It’s about what he sees happening with vehicles, yes, primarily electric vehicles, in 2024.

I had been thinking of writing my own article about this subject but kept putting it off because it was going to be a huge effort. Thankfully, Sandy to the rescue.

Where he is covering a subject I am well informed about I pretty much agreed with him but maybe wasn’t willing to go as far as him. For example, it has been confusing to me how Stellantis companies such as Renault has been coming up with some new EVs yet Stellantis seems to be pretty anti-EV. Sandy’s read is that Stellantis is going to pretty much vanish from the US market.

He also talks about how the psychology of manufacturing holds companies back. While not unique to automobiles, the fact that you are generally rewarded for sticking with the status quo rather than going out on a limb to use a new technology. Here, Tesla’s innovation (Gigacastings and 48 volt electrical systems) in finally causing other manufacturers to adopt these two technologies.

If you are interested in what is going to happen in EVs in 2024 and beyond this is a good one-hour investment.

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