Yes, There Are Commercial Electric VTOL Aircraft

The picture is of Lillium’s 7-seat eVTOL aircraft. Unlike most VTOL aircraft which use multiple large propellers, this plane uses ducted fans giving it a very different look.

I think it looks pretty cool but reading this article made me aware of quite a few other eVTOL choices.

These include the Jetson One, a single-seat eVTOL with a price tag of only $92,000. I said only as some people spend more than that on a car. There are also other eVTOL aircraft available for under $200,000.

Back to the Lillium unit, this surprised me:

The tech, termed ducted electric vectored thrust, or DEVT, has been a big win for the company, as our recent interview with Lilium co-founder, Daniel Wiegand points out. In fact, Lilium signed its own major commercial deal with Brazil’s third largest domestic airline, Azul, in 2021. That contract was for the delivery of 220 units and was valued at nearly a billion dollars.

So, yes, eVTOL aircraft are becoming more than a novelty.

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