Electric Vehicle Service

The standard “sales pitch” for EVs includes lower energy usage costs, more interior space and lower maintenance. Let’s look at the maintenance. The obvious lower costs have to do with […]

What’s a GigaPress?

You may have heard that Tesla uses GigaPresses to form parts of its Models 3 and Y cars. You also might have heard Toyota (who recently disassembled a Tesla for […]


Why is electric consumption continuing to go up? Sure, more people are getting access to electricity (there is still over one billion people that don’t have it) but there is […]

Volvo EX30

Volvo has just announced their smallest electric car, the EX30. It’s a compact EV with a length of 4230 mm, width of 1840 mm and height of 1560 mm high. […]

What is MPGe?

Let’s start with MPG — miles per gallon. That is the “typical” distance a vehicle can travel on one gallon of fuel. Typically a gallon of gasoline but, of course, […]

Tesla Model Y Most Popular Car

Tesla Model Y sales for the first quarter of 2023 are more than any other vehicle. Note that I said “vehicle”, not “electric vehicle”. Specifically, Model Y sales were over […]