A New Charging Network in North America

Seven auto makers have announced that they will work together to build a new charging network in North America. Those seven are basically everyone important except Ford. The Electric Viking offers the details but I want to address how I see this as another big win for Tesla.

The obvious win, which Sam does address, is that with the adoption of NACS, the Tesla charge connector) as a standard, this will just offer more charge locations for Tesla which is most of the North American market. But there is another huge win for Tesla.

Tesla currently installs Megapacks at their charger locations such that they can charge them up when electricity from the grid is inexpensive and then sell it to customers who use the chargers. That means Tesla will pay less for electricity than the new network. So, Tesla can make more money at its charging stations or it can charge less than this new network. Likely it will be a combination of both.

This seems like another win for Tesla, and for the consumer.

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