When you hear of an 18 wheeler you think of a big truck but here we are talking about a relatively small all terrain vehicle. 18 wheels has a prototype […]
Author: a42_bhql4y
Why Are Tesla Vehicles Selling So Well?
I don’t want to sound like a Tesla fan boy but the answer is simple — because they are better than the competition. It is likely the Tesla Model Y […]
Why 48 Volts in Vehicles?
In a word, efficiency. Starting in the era of the Model A Ford, cars has a 6 volt electrical system. That 6 volts was needed to run the lights, the […]
EJET Electric Yacht Tender
How do you get to and from the shore from your yacht? How about with an EJET electric yacht tender? This is probably not in the budget of most of us […]
Mid-2023 Vehicle Status Report
There have been big changes in the EV market this year and more changes are on the way. My prediction is that within the next 12 months most people who […]
What Does It Cost To Charge Your EV?
Everywhere you look you will see people saying “fueling your EV will cost less than your ICE car”. That is certainly true but how about some real numbers? OK, here […]
Should You Build Your Own EV?
In a word, no. But, there are exceptions. Whey I built my own EV I started with a VW Rabbit. There were lots of reasons for this including: There really […]
Bolt Owners Test Drive a Tesla Model Y
This is a video of a couple from Texas who go test drive a Tesla Model Y. It may surprise you but they don’t trash the Bolt but they do […]
Tesla Cybertruck Becomes Real
It’s been a long time in the making but the Cybertruck is officially real. Giga Texas has apparently built the first production unit. While there are still some media outlets […]
EVs vs. ICE
There are many EV vs. ICE arguments presented on the Internet. I picked one by the Brown Car Guy as an example. I disagree with most of what he has […]